
31.-32. päev - Lennukid

Kui lennujaama töötajad sellest lennukimootoril leitud sõnumist aru saavad ja selle järgi ka tegutseda oskavad, siis leian, et olen heades kätes. / If the airport workers understand this message, found on an airplane motor, and know how to act accordingly, then I feel that I'm in good hands.

Ja, noh, kodus on ka hea olla. :)

Auto, mida tahan endale / The car I want

peaasi, et tal on konks taga, muidugi. / of course, the main thing is that it has to have a hitch hook-up in back.

30. päev - Bangkok, Tai


27.-29. päev - Siem Reap, Kambodzha

Kivistunud naod. / Stone faces.

Mood / Fashion

Pidžaama pukskostuumid on vaga kuum kohalik mood. Eriti popid on erkkollased ja oranzhid outfit-id. Muide, sellist stiili olla ka Pariisi moelavadel nahtud. Pole kauge see aeg mil meil koigil sarnased komplektid kapis rippumas. / Pyjama pantsuits are all the rage here. Bright yellow and orange outfits are the most in. And I heard stories of such styles on the fashion stages in Paris so I'm sure that it's not long until we all have a set or two hanging in the closet.


Tsirkus! / Circus!


Phare Ponlue Selpak tsirkusekool / Phare Ponlue Selpak circus school

Fotograaf / Photographer

John, if your brother is still looking for a wedding photographer, I recommend this guy. He just has that trustworthy look in his eye. The country code to call is +855.


Ood unele vol. 2 / An ode to sleep part 2

Isegi suurkujud peavad vahest puhkama. / Even the greats have to rest some time.

Mina olen nuud terve, aga soojad tervitused haigevoodis kosuvale Indrekule!


Ood unele / An ode to sleep

Veetes aega tovevoodis und taga ajades, seltsiliseks ainult see:/Having spent time in my sick bed, chasing sleep, with this as my only friend:

moistan nende unevajadust vagagi hasti: / I understand their need for sleep very well:


20. - 25. päev - Battambang, Kambodzha

Vaade minu katuseterrasilt. Mulle siin meeldib. / View from my roof-top terrace. I like it here.

Venkud / Russkis

See saar kuulub venelastele. Saar on kaetud kuurordistiilis lossidega nii, et saart ennast vaevu enam polegi. Aga kohalikelt olla kuuldud, et kulalisi seal kunagi ei kai. Hmmm... / This island belongs to Russians. It's covered with fancy resort style castles. So much so, that there's barely any island left. But the locals say that it never gets any visitors. Hmm...

Raamatuvalik / Raamatuvalik

Lubatud ja keelatud / What's allowed and what's not

Bussifirma tulihingeline palve. / Ardent plea from the bus company.

Ja samas, siin voib ainult paevaseid siestasid pidada. / Only daytime siestas allowed here.

Tooted ja teenused / Goods and services

Momendid elust enesest / Moments from life, itself