Kui midagi juba on, nagu naiteks kuninglikke hobekilpkonne, siis tuleb neid naidata. Ja koike. Korraga. Kuhjatuna. / If you have hundreds of something - royal silver turtles, for example - then you have to show all of them. At once. In one, big pile.
Ja teisi asju voib lihtsalt nurgas, hunnikus hoida. Peaasi, et nad on vaatamiseks valja toodud. / And other stuff you can just keep in a pile in the corner. As long as they're on display.
Georges Groslier, Avec les danseuses royales du Cambodge, 1927.
Aga rahvamuuseumis oli taiesti vapustav naitus. 1927 aasta klaasnegatiividele tehtud fotod Kambdozha tantsijatest. Tekstis raakisid tantsijad juba siis, et toelist, oiget tantsimist enam ei hinnata. Kunagi olid nad koige tahtsamad tantsijad riigis, nuud ei oska keegi enam eristada peanoksu uhes suunas natuke teise nurga all hoitud peast. /
The National Museum had a completely amazing exhibit of glass negative images from 1927 of Cambodian dancers. The dancers said, even back then, that their art was disappearing and no one knew how to appreciate it any more. In their heyday they were the most important royal dancers in the country, but now no one knew the difference between a head held in one position and the head a few degrees different.
see on jube jah kui asjad edasi arenevad.